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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Breakfast Bruschetta - Nigella Lawson

I have to say, I love Nigella Lawson. I am a big fan of her food, her television show and her cooking skills. Why her I wondered, and I do have the answer. She is a woman that enjoys life and loves cooking (like me!). In addition, she uses butter and cream a lot, nothing she is ashamed for and size is never and issue. Absolute perfection, enrichment and fun all combined on one plate.

Actually, she does not only love cooking or uses cream and butter a lot. She enjoys being around people and loves to have people over for diner. I find she is a great host. She entertains her guests as long as possible before she quickly goes in and out of the kitchen to finish her magical dishes. It is all about preparation guys.

How she sneaks out of bed to the kitchen every night after her guests have left, is daring and something many women would never dare. She does not care. The food is just too good and as she adds bacon from her ‘Nigella-fridge’ on a piece of ciabatta, folds it together and takes a bite.. I just love it!

This morning I made one of her easy recipes that I found on the internet: BREAKFAST BRUSCHETTA (Serving Size : Serves 3–6, depending on appetite)
All you need to buy:
For the Tomato Bruschetta
2 x 15 ml tablespoons olive oil
2 thickly sliced short pieces sourdough or rustic roast
1 ripe tomato (approx. 100g), roughly chopped
Salt and pepper to taste

For the Avocado Bruschetta
1 ripe avocado
2 teaspoons lime juice
4 thickly sliced short pieces sourdough or rustic toast
Salt and pepper to taste

I reheated the loaf I bought yesterday and cut it in slices. I drizzled most of the olive oil over each piece of bread and topped it with the chopped tomatoes. I seasoned it with salt and pepper to taste before I drizzled the remaining drops of oil on top. Done!
For the avocado bruschetta I halved the avocado and scooped the flesh into a bowl along with the lime juice. I mashed it roughly using a fork and seasoned it with salt and pepper to taste. I spreaded this on each waiting piece of bread and sprinkled it with parsley. Done!

I laid the pieces of bread on a lovely plate, made tea and fresh orange juice to go with it and in our lovely garden Peter and took our first bites. Can't choose which one I liked more. What a good start of the day! Although it is rich for breakfast, as I am used to have toast with jam or rusks in the morning I loved the taste and it is so easy. Next time I will try something more complicated from one of her cookbooks. Should invite people over, just like her.

Kitchen queen Nigella!

Warm regards,

Abigail Summer

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